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17 years of Excellence
Development Studies
Economic Developement In India
by Mahesh Chandra Prasad
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In the last 15 years, India has pulled more people out of poverty than in the previous 45 averaging some 10 of poverty than in previous 45 averaging some 10 million a year in the last decade. The country has visibly prospered, and despite population growth, per capital income has grown faster and higher in each of these year than ever before. The current financial crisis, far from prompting us to retreat, is an opportunity to safeguard to safeguard those gains and to them. For more than four decades India suffered from the economics of nationalism, which equated political independence with equated political independence with economic self-sufficiency and so relegated us to chronic poverty and mediocrity. Nine per cent plus annual growth, rising stock prices, boom in consumption should suggest that most of the people in our country are getting prosperous. But the in social indicators do not suggest this. This is puzzling given the country’s achievement of democracy and economic boom. The book Economic Development in India is an in-depth analysis India’s economy. An attempt has been made to discuss economic development, in general, and its impact on Indians, society and international economy. The book will be of grate use to policy makers, public analysis, scholars and students of Economics, Commerce and management.
ISBN : 9788183873000
Pages : 677
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