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  Ultimate Psychometric Tests

Ultimate Psychometric Tests

by Mike Bryon

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 202.50
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  Are you faced with a psychometric test as part of an interview?

Do you really want to really stand out from the crowd?

Do you want to improve your score and develop a winning mindset?

The use of psychometric tests in job selection procedures is on the rise, and for unprepared candidates they represent a real challenge. Ultimate Psychometric Tests is the biggest book of its kind, with over 1,000 practice test questions plus answers and explanations. Essential reading if you want to succeed at intermediate level tests, it is also a great introduction if you are at graduate level. With plenty of advice on the tests themselves and how to get test-wise, it provides sample questions from all the major types of test, including:

¢ verbal reasoning

¢ numerical reasoning

¢ personality questionnaires

¢ non-verbal and diagrammatic reasoning

¢ IQ tests

You won`t find another book with so many practice questions, which give you the opportunity to get down to some serious score-improving practice.

ISBN 9788175544710

Pages : 256
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