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  Role of Indian People in Liberation War of Bangladesh

Role Of Indian People In Liberation War Of Bangladesh

by Salam Azad

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 823.40
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  The Liberation War of Bangladesh is the most memorable event in her brief history as it brought about her independence. To win this freedom, three million people had to shed their blood. Almost the entire population, barring a few, of the then East Pakistan rose in revolt against Pakistan`s military regime. The triumph of the freedom fighters of Bangladesh was not theirs alone. As Mrs. Indira Gandhi said, "All nations who value the human spirit will recognize it as a significant milestone in man`s quest for liberty."

The Government and the people of India stood solidly by the people of Bangladesh during their historic struggle. Not only did several thousand Indian soldiers sacrifice their lives, India had also to bear crushing burden of looking after about ten million refugees who fled from East Pakistan. While the Government of India tried to mobilise international opinion in favour of Bangladesh, people from all walks of life came forward to help the freedom fighters and the refugees.

In this well documented book, Salam Azad has diligently put together the story of the role played by the Indian people. Besides depending on the official documents and sources, he interviewed a large number of writers, teachers, social workers, political leaders and ordinary citizens.

The outcome is a book no one interested in the history of the liberation war of Bangladesh can do without.
ISBN - 9788189640521

Pages : 471
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