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  Getting Control of Your Anger

Getting Control Of Your Anger

by Robert Allan

  Price : Rs 265.00
  Your Price : Rs 238.50
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  Break the hold anger has on your life

Anger, like fear, is a powerful survival tool that has evolved over countless millennia. But when we allow anger to rule our day-to-day lives, it undermines our health, alienates loved ones, and ruins our chances for a happy, healthy life.

Now, Getting Control of Your Anger helps adults who have "inherited" destructive anger patterns learn constructive ways to express themselves and get their needs met. Focusing on breaking the cycle of anger in yourself and your family, Dr. Robert Allan helps you discover the reasons for your anger and find more effective ways to get your core needs met.

With Getting Control of Your Anger you`ll learn to:

* Get at the root of your anger and take control of it without gimmicks, drugs, or psychoanalysis
* Improve your relationships with your loved ones, friends, and coworkers
* Break the intergenerational cycle of anger in your family and avoid passing destructive behavior patterns down to your children
* Safeguard your health and reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease and a host of anger-related illnesses
ISBN - 9780070636989/ 0070636982

Pages : 272
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