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  Electronics Analog and Digital ,

Electronics Analog And Digital ,

by Nagrath

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  This book is written for a first course in electronics spanning devices covering both analog and digital circuits and systems, wherein the well accepted sequence of digital following analog has been adopted.Analog electronics spans small- and large-signal amplifiers, feedback amplifiers, oscillators, OPAMPs and their applications, while digital electronics covers logic gates and families, number systems, combinational logic, application circuits, memory cells, flip-flops, sequential circuits, memories_ROM, RAM (static and dynamic) and also A/D and D/A conversions.The text is written in a style that the students can self-study several portions with minimal guidance. Large number of illustrative examples provide great help in understanding various topics. Chapters, sections and subsections are so organized and sequenced that it lends itself to pruning and restructuring in a tight time frame and teacher`s visualization of the course.A solution manual will be provided for the teachers.ISBN-- 9788120314917

Pages : 744
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