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  Higher Education in India Since Independence : UGC and its Approach

Higher Education In India Since Independence : Ugc And Its Approach

by O.P. Gupta

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 400.00
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  HIGHER EDUCATION in India Since Independence: UGC and Its Approach is unique and first attempt to provide compact and comprehensive reference source on Higher Education, which after Independence has introduced a number of innovations to make education direct concern of human resource development. This publication is outcome of consolidation of information resources and bibliographic data culled from various sources to reflect the major trends of higher education in modern India. The first section is an introduction to UGC initiatives and its role in the development of higher education; Section II provides an annotation to the UGC contributions for various disciplines and studies on issues relating to University System, Section III is designed to serve references available in the field of higher education which gives list of both Indian and foreign selected books and journals on education and Section IV consists indexes to operate the text. The book is designed to meet the reference requirements of students, teachers, researchers and policy-makers. It will prove handy and useful to all those who are interested in the latest developments of Higher Education and working of the UGC the promoter of educational programmes of Central Government for co-ordination and standardisation of teaching, research and examinations.ISBN:8170224470

Pages : 312
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