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  Law Relating to THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS ACT with Exhaustive Comments and Case-Law on DISHONOUR OF CHEQUES

Law Relating To The Negotiable Instruments Act With Exhaustive Comments And Case-Law On Dishonour Of Cheques

by S. Krishnamurthi Aiyar

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 778.65
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  This 9th Edition of the authoritative work is a complete treatise providing extensive and analytical study on the subject of negotiable instruments. The book provides exhaustive section-wise commentary on the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 incorporating all the important judgements of various High Courts and Supreme Court.

Attempt has been made to critically analyse the scope of Negotiable Instruments Act and to present it in a self-explanatory form. Every section of the Act has been placed distinctively with many different sub-headings for the convenience and easy understanding of readers.

Care has been taken to deal exhaustively with every aspect of the subject but special emphasis has been laid down on section 138 of the Act by enlarging it with numerous sub-headings dealing with different facets of the section and critically reviewing it with case-laws on the civil and criminal liabilities of defaulting drawers of dishonoured cheques.

Like its predecessors, this revised and updated version shall prove to be a valuable resource to the bench, bar, students of law, bank officials, businessmen and to every person interested in negotiable instruments.

Pages : 930
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