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  Law Relating to Electricity in India

Law Relating To Electricity In India

by S. Krishnamurthi Aiyar

  Price : Rs 1695.00
  Your Price : Rs 1474.65
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  Electricity has crept forward all unconsciously through the outpost of the past, out-manoeuvred prejudice and overrun precedent. This is an exhaustive commentary on The Electricity Act, 2003 along with Central and State Acts, Rules, Regulations, Notifications and Model Forms. This classic work by S. Krishnamurthi Aiyar stands to the test of time since post many years. This edition has been revised thoroughly incorporating latest case laws, statutory amendments and developments. In this volume where the legal aspect has been given the importance it deserves, the technical aspect has not been neglected. The aim of this work is to provide the lawyer as well as the laymen user of electricity and also the staff of an electricity undertaking, all essential points concerning the law and practice relating to the supply and use of electrical energy.

ISBN - 9789351437376

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