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  Census of Assam 1901

Census Of Assam 1901

by B C Allen

  Price : Rs 1990.00
  Your Price : Rs 1552.20
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  The Census of Assam, 1901 reveals the past history of the Province in its original form. The third General Census of the Province was taken on the night of March 1, 1901 under the supervision of B.C. Allen, Superintendent of Census Operations. The book divided into two volumes, deals with minute details. Volume I Consisting of the reports, includes separate chapters on history, geographical divisions, distribution of population, religion, sex including the causes affecting the population of sexes, age marriage, language, education, Casts, occupation etc. Within these chapters, information is provided on the child marriage, widow remarriage, female education. These social problems are pertinet even today. The tables placed at appropriately suitable place make the volume bothe interesting and educative. Volume II is exclusively devoted to elaborate tables. An interesting and the most informative book, bringing to light Assam in its original grandeur grandeur and glory, will help us understand the processes of social and biological change in the people of Assam and their present-day problems in a much better way.

Pages : 510
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