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  The Bhagavd Gita- A Sublime Hymn of Yoga, Composed by the Ancient Seer Vyasa; Translated from Sanskrit by Nataraja Guru with Explanatory Dialogue

The Bhagavd Gita- A Sublime Hymn Of Yoga, Composed By The Ancient Seer Vyasa; Translated From Sanskrit By Nataraja Guru With Explanatory Dialogue

by Nitya Chaitanya Yati, With A Foreword By Don Berry.

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 236.00
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  This commentary uncovers the perennial philosophy at the heart of the Gita. It transcends sectarian dogma to reveal the work as a fully-developed scientific psychology, whose insights can be readily appreciated by modern man. ISBN : 8124600104

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