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  The Psychology of Darsanamala

The Psychology Of Darsanamala

by Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati,

  Price : Rs 990.00
  Your Price : Rs 792.00
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  The Darshanmala, one of the last major works of Narayana Guru, contains 100 verses lucidly expressing the guru`s un itive vision expounding the core of Vedantic wisdom. Here, Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati, using his deep scholarship in western psychological thought, masterfully examines this wisdom from the psychological point of view to address basic questions of human psychology like how does one experience the world, the link between I, the experiencer, and that which is experienced and the way in which one can guide one`s actions. Referring to western thinkers including Carl Jung, St John of the Cross and Kierkegaard, Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati explores Narayana Guru`s absolutist vision to present insights into such items as consciousness, illusion, yoga, existence, awareness, consciousness and contemplative devotion and liberation. Referring to the thought and philosophy of Greek and other western philosophers and ancient scriptures on Advaitic philosophy, the commentary, simple in language and easy-to-understand, incorporates the perspectives and vision derived from the author`s guru, Nataraja Guru, who had translated the entire poem Darshanmala into English.

ISBN : 9788124602546

Pages : 495
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