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  Teaching of the Quran

Teaching Of The Quran

by H. U. W. Stanton

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 505.75
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  This book is intended to present the body of religious and moral teaching contained in the Quran itself apart from the Traditions which form the second main basis of the Moslem faith. The need for it has been impressed upon me during several years in which I have had frequent opportunities of lecturing on Outlines of Islam. During the last hundred years Islam has increasingly come into contact with other faiths, no longer as the religion of rulers who for a millennium enforced its observance by the sanctions of civil and criminal law, but as one faith, tolerated and protected in its exercise, side by side with others. Faced by the life and thought of a new age, Islam is struggling with the difficult task of adjusting its early medievalism to the demands of a modern world. Naturally the tendency of progressive Moslems has been to recur to the one sacred volume as the sole genuine expression of faith and practice incumbent on the true Muslim. To serve as a practical help in this direction is the object of this little manual. The author ventures to offer it because to his knowledge there was no book in English that gave a comprehensive sketch of Quranic theology, or an all-round subject index. The book has remained a standard source of reference for a long time among students and scholars alike.ISBN 9788130712383

Pages : 136
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