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  Indians: Why We Are, What We Are

Indians: Why We Are, What We Are

by Cmde. Ranjit B. Rai

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 230.10
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  The book is a pot pourri about contemporary India.- a muist for a foreigner visiting India and the ess travelled Indians. `A Journey through India` is a panoramic view of the physical beauty of India. "Who is Indian and what is his lingua france?" and discusses the dilemma of being a Hundustani. " HIndusim, Karma and Brahminism" is an attempt to understand the enigma that Indians live and battle with every day . "Love, Sex and Freud in the land of Kamasutra", is a bold assault on Indian sexuality. "India`s Economy; Past, Present and Future is another offering. The Indian Administrative, Foriegn and Intelligence Services are dissected and exposed with the hope of improvement in their working. A `critical analysis of the Indian political scenario, particularly the Nehru dynasty, for they ruled India for about 40 years. "Corruption , Boforce, Scams"- A new rendering with another explanation. The wars India has fought includes a chapter on the Sri Lankan foray in 1987-90.

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