The Story of the Wars, and Operations of the Navies and Tales of Heroism on both sides of the Border
All of the India`s wars- against military political and international backdrops are the compass of this book with an accent on the Navel manouevres, many hitherto less known. In covering the major 1965 and 1971 wars, the author brings out the operational frustrations in conducting military operations, when fought `sans strategy` or local intelligence. By contrast, there are insights into success factors arising from detailed planning (as in the liberation of Goa and Bangladesh). He stresses the need for the highest command structure under a CDS to coordinate the three forces, and an effective overseeing strategic security agency.
The reader will encounter a gamut of characters in uniform-including Gung-Ho Chiefs-and war situations that would give a Forsyth or Clancy exciting plot material. There are within the historical narratives, stories of ambitious moves and astute machinations, bravado and folly, as brave commanders and political masters- local and super power- plot their balance of power stances and fighting moves between belligerent neighbors, within this vast South East Asian geographical arena.
As Director of Naval operations and intelligence (DNO/DNI) who interacted with the movers and shakers in the Khalistan rising, Op Pawan and Op Brassracks, when India nearly came to war with Pakistan, and Op Chequerboard that rattled the Chinese, Cmde Ranjit Rai provides lucid commentary and a ringside view.
1961 Op Vijay in Goa
The 1965 and 1971 Wars in Detail
1983 Op Lal Dora in Mauritius
1986 Op Flowers Are Blooming in Seychelles
1987-910p Pawan and Buster in Sri Lanka
1988 Op Cactus in Maldives
1999 Op Talwar in the Kargil War and much more Including a look into the future and the Indian Ocean Region.
ISBN - 9789350566380
Pages : 264