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  British Lions and Indian Tigers

British Lions And Indian Tigers

by Brig. Kim Yadav

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.10
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  The British Conquired India through a brilliant three -pronge strategy. Common laws and procedures, common civil, judicial and police servicxes had to be created for convenience of administration ; thje Indian Army was raised for the security of the empire and their overseas possessions. The army fought alongside the british troops in several wars in Asia, Africa and Europe and thus acquired a positive vision of freedom, which was manifested in the numerous mutinies in the Indian Army especially in the Sepoy Mutiny in 1857, and the decisive revolt against British discrimination and hauter in Singapore in February 1942, under Captain Mohan Singh, which induced the British to quit India in August 1947, for fear of another 1857 mutiny. The book gives details of how and why this happened.

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