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  A World Challenged: Fighting Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century

A World Challenged: Fighting Terrorism In The Twenty-First Century

by Yevgeny M. Primakov

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.10
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  In this candid and sobering account , former Russian premier Yevgeny M. Primakov considers the threats posed by independent terrorist organisations to the security of the global community. As the attacks of 9/11 made clear the course of international affiars is no longer shaped exclusively by co-operations and comfrontating among nations. Primakov expresses grave concern over the likelyhood that indipendent terrorist organisations will obtain weapons of mass destruction. More than 100 nations are stockpiling nuclear material , he writes , and there is no reason to belive that all of its is well managed or protected. A terrorist group intent on developing a weapon can easly find the information and fissile material to develop a compact nuclear device. He recommends that the global community develop a comprehensive Charter on Terrorism to facialitate criminal prosecution of terrorism. And he urges Russia and the United States to join forces more readily to share information and intelligence about the emerging terrorist threats.

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