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  India-China Borderlands :  Conversations Beyond the Centre

India-China Borderlands : Conversations Beyond The Centre

by Nimmi Kurian

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 625.50
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  The India–China borderlands have remained largely in a freeze frame, awaiting a new political imagination that has been a long time coming. This book offers a critical comparative analysis of India–China relations at the subregional level, an analytical level that remains an understudied aspect in both research and policy.

The study situates their evolving dynamics within the rubric of the massive state-led developmental thrust that India’s Northeast and China’s western border regions are currently witnessing. By and large, India and China’s parallel moves in the subregion have tended to be studied as isolated cases with little attempt at comparison. This has been a curious omission at a time when processes of subregional integration are rescaling India and China and call for the need to disaggregate our understanding beyond solely national frames of reference. This book critically interrogates the capacity of this discourse to introduce a borderlands perspective as an analytical category in its own right instead of remaining as a mere tangential dimension of India–China relations.

ISBN - 9788132113515

Pages : 208
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