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  Professional XSL

Professional Xsl

by Kurt Cagle,Michael Corning,Jason Diamond,Teun Duynstee

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 425.00
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  Professional XSL takes an applied, tutorialstyle approach to teaching the core fundamentals of the XSLT, XPath and XSLFO specifications. You`ll learn how to create well structured and modularized stylesheets to generate your required output, how to change, filter, and sort data, and how to incorporate other content for presentation purposes. XML is now the established standard for platformneutral data storage and exchange, separating content from presentation. Its popularity is due to the flexibility of the language and the ability to reuse the data in a variety of ways. XSL is a key technology for working with XML, and is comprised of two parts: XSLT is the official language for transforming XML from one format to another, whether for restructuring/selectively processing the data or presenting the data for display; XSLFO is a proposed vocabulary for incorporating information concerning how the document should be arranged for presentation. A related standard, XPath, is the language for addressing specific parts of an XML document. A text for professional developers in need of a deeper understanding of XML data and its structure. Shows how to transform data or apply styling for business to business and Web applications. Demonstrates transforming XML for display and the concepts and key elements of CSS and XSLFO. Also covers XSLT. Softcover.XSL is a vital companion to XML and is used for two main purposes: to format or style XML data (like Cascading Stylesheets) so that it can be displayed in a browser, and to transform XML data. When you transform and XML document, you manipulate the data into a new structure, for example, reordering the data. This enables the same data store to be used in an unlimited number of ways. It is the transformation ability that gives XSL (and therefore XML) its real power. You can imagine XSL as a bridging mechanism between your XML data store and the browser. It does a similar job to ASP, but it is platform independent. XSL can also be used to transform XML into other text formats (eg HTML).

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