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  Beginning XML, 2e

Beginning Xml, 2E

by Jonathan Pinnock,David Hunter,Kurt Cagle,Chris Dix

  Price : Rs 600.00
  Your Price : Rs 510.00
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  Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a rapidly maturing technology with powerful realworld applications, particularly for the management, display, and organization of data. Together with its many related technologies it is an essential technology for anyone using markup languages on the web or internally.This book teaches you all you need to know about XML ??? what it is, how it works, what technologies surround it, and how it can best be used in a variety of situations, from simple data transfer to using XML in your web pages. It builds on the strengths of the first edition, and provides new material to reflect the changes in the XML landscape ??? notably SOAP and Web Services, and the publication of the XML Schemas Recommendation by the W3C.Who is this book for?Beginning XML 2nd Edition is for any developer who is interested in learning to use XML in web, ecommerce or datastorage applications. Some knowledge of mark up, scripting, and/or object oriented programming languages is advantageous, but not essential, as the basis of these techniques are explained as required.What does this book cover?XML syntax and writing wellformed XMLUsing XML NamespacesTransforming XML into other formats with XSLTXPath and XPointer for locating specific XML dataXML Validation using DTDs and XML Schemas Manipulating XML documents with the DOM and SAX 2.0SOAP and Web ServicesDisplaying XML using CSS and XSLIncorporating XML into tradition databases and ntier architecturesXLink and XPointer for linking XML and nonXML resources

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