About the Book :- This rare yet valuable book is primarily intended to make classical Tamil easier to English students, while to Native students it may afford means for a more comprehensive and fruitful study of their greatest classic author, who has sung of so many topics. The Grammatical Introduction, together with the Handbook, and a careful use of the Lexicon and Concordance, aided by the English and Latin versions, will make it easy to master the great work of this very influential teacher of men. The famous work in Tamil by the famed poet-sage Thiruvaluvar. The text in Tamil is accompanied with its translation in English. The Kurral is a book of Maxims and is divided into 133 chapters with each chapter containing 10 maxims. This publication may be useful in promoting the real study of Tamil, and so help those who go to South India as officers of Government, or as missionaries, better to understand the mind of the people among whom they live and work.
ISBN : 9788121239783
Pages : 448