About The Book -: The Baudhayana Shrauta Sutra (Baudhayana Srautasutra or Baudhayanasrautasutram) is a Late Vedic text dealing with the solemn rituals of the Taittiriya Shakha school of the Black Yajurveda that was composed in eastern Uttar Pradesh during the late Brahmana period. It was transmitted both orally and through manuscript copying. It was printed in 1904-23 by The Asiatic Society, translated by C.G. Kashikar in part in his "Srautakosa", and as a whole later on. B. A modern copy in Devanagari writing made in 1868 by Vyankaji Narana, containing, in eight parts, an almost complete text of our Sutrn. Copied for the Government of Bombay and registered as Class I.The text is on the whole correct, especially in the first nine prasnas. The later prasnas are also very carefully written, but copied from an original that must have been corrupted. The original of the later prasnas is probably a Grantha MS.This valuable collection will be seen to contain a nearly complete Baudhayana Sutra. Missing are the soma-, pravargya-, aupanuvakya-, and prayascitta prasnas. On every part the number of the prasna (here called adhyaya) is written; sometimes the number found in the original handwriting is corrected.