This book is designed primarily for tourists and travellers in foreign lands who, without previous knowledge of the language, desire to express themselves sufficiently to be understood, these books also form a good foundation for the more seriously minded student. The method followed throughout the series is to give classified vocabularies and Conversational Phrases under Subjects, arranged in a scientific way giving first the English word or phrase, second the Foreign equivalent and third the English phonetic pronunciation. A section on Elementary Grammar is included in most cases and deals with the construction of sentences and any special peculiarities of the language, such as Genders, Tenses, Conjugation of Verbs, etc. For the more important languages a separate volume on Grammar is published containing, in addition to a thorough treatise on Grammar, Exercises for translation. As is the case in most South Indian Languages, Sinhala is a highly inflected language with three gender forms and two number forms among other grammatical features. While piecemeal descriptions of Sinhala grammar is reported in the literature, no comprehensive effort to develop a context-free grammar (CFG) has been made that has been able to account for any significant coverage of the language.
ISBN : 9788121244176
Pages : 123