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  Intrauterine Insemination

Intrauterine Insemination

by Gautam N Allahbadia

  Price : Rs 4250.00
  Your Price : Rs 3400.00
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  While some practitioners have the opportunity of going through formal training in IUI, many more must rely on information gathered from diverse and informal sources. Such information might not be comprehensive or easy to assimilate. The aim of this book is to present relevant information in an easy-to-read manner from diverse sources. A book, such as this, was long overdue; following its first print-run, there were a glut of intrauterine insemination (IUI) books in the Indian Medical publishing space—but this book has stood the test of time and is now in its third edition. It provides the basic knowledge required to set-up and run an efficient IUI clinic. Intrauterine insemination is less invasive and cheaper than many other assisted conception treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Various cadres of medical practitioners offer the treatment in a variety of settings. The decision to write this book was based on the fact that there was no comprehensive source of information worldwide on the conduct of IUI. Rather, practitioners had to obtain disjointed information from several sources, leading to a great variability in the practice and results of the treatment.

The book is practice-oriented. Although theoretical basis of the subject and the various schools of thought in each chapter have discussed, practical guidelines have still provided such that, the reader should become very confident and competent in providing this treatment. This important and useful book not only provides an abundance of up-to-date practical and theoretical information, but also serves as a comprehensive guide—a real MUST—for anyone interested in setting up and running a successful intrauterine insemination program. ISBN - 9789350904039

Pages : 592
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