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  The Marketing Plan Workbook

The Marketing Plan Workbook

by John Westwood

  Price : Rs 425.00
  Your Price : Rs 382.50
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  Planning is one of the most important roles of management, and a company’s marketing plan is a key component of business strategy. It should identify the most promising business opportunities and outline how to penetrate, capture and maintain market positions.

The Marketing Plan Workbook is a highly practical guide to the principles and practice of marketing planning. Of particular value to the smaller business, it is full of checklists, exercises and activities, and will help you put together any type of marketing plan. The whole process is dealt with step by step, using examples of six small businesses in a range of industries.

Marketing planning is as important for the small business as it is for the giant multinational, and this invaluable new book will help you to understand it and use it to grow your business.

Contents: What is marketing planning and how can it help a small business • The marketing audit - internal • The marketing audit - external • The marketing audit -situation analysis • Setting marketing objectives • Devising marketing strategies • Distribution, advertising and sales promotion • Planning for a new product and developing new sales areas • Budgets and income statements • Writing and presenting your plan • AppendixISBN - 9780749445164

Pages : 360
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