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  Law of Adoption Minority Guardianship & Custody, 5th Edn.

Law Of Adoption Minority Guardianship & Custody, 5Th Edn.

by Paras Diwan

  Price : Rs 1495.00
  Your Price : Rs 1300.65
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  This new edition of `Law of Adoption, Minority, Guardianship and Custody analyses wide spectrum of the Indian personall law of adoption and guardianship and custody of Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Parsis with relevant references to the law of some other countries, particularly that of England. Statutory provisions and judicial decisions have been critically analysed.

This work also states the law of inter-country adoptions as evolved by the Supreme Court and other connected matters including the U.N. Charter of Right of the child and some High Court Rules.

A table of cases and subject index have also been provided.

This work has been primarily written for practitioners of law and judges. It may also help scholars and law reformers.ISBN:9789350352281

Pages : 1060
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