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  Law of Marriage and Divorce, 6th Edn.

Law Of Marriage And Divorce, 6Th Edn.

by Paras Diwan

  Price : Rs 1495.00
  Your Price : Rs 1300.65
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  Marriage is an inalienable institution of human society and performs the function of binding two individuals with a bond of love, faith, responsibility and accountability. And like every thing that is vital to human living, marriage too is rife with disputes ranging from petty verbal skirmishes to pitched legal battles. Perhaps that explains the growth of litigation in the area of matrimonial disputes.

This work, covering the matrimonial laws of all the Indian communities including Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Parsi and Jews, deals with the entire gamut of laws pertaining to marriage, divorce, and other matrimonial causes. It also discusses connected matters such as dowry, dower and ancillary matters like spousal maintenance and custody, maintenance and education of children besides,jurisdictional aspects.

Since the work has been primarily written for the practitioners of law and judges who are engaged in the resolution of matrimonial disputes it blends theory and practice, for it is the crying need of the hour that theories be effectively translated into practice. It would, however, also be of immense help to the researchers of law and social justice. The endeavour is to provide a comprehensive work covering all the aspects of the matrimonial law.ISBN : 9789350350898

Pages : 1382
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