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  Numerical Chemistry

Numerical Chemistry

by Dr. P. Bahadur

  Price : Rs 752.00
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  A systematic approach illuminating conceptual aspects of problems with increase in level gradually and avoiding jumps and accumulation of similar problems.

Starting in elementary way and then developing a logical fashion around a mathematical spine with clarity, simplicity, accurate explanations, deeper insight of fundamentals and simple but right approach to handle the problem, instead of lengthy orthodox solutions.

Based on mole and equivalent concepts.

Deriving new formulae wherever needed to avoid confusions, such as in Redox titrations, Electrochemistry, Raoult`s law etc.

Incorporating SI units in many problems.

Newly framed about 1000 MCQ`s with one or more answers correct with complete solutions single integer answer problems, comprehension type problems, matrix match on general, physical, organic chemistry to develop theoretical and mathematical aspect.

Continuously upgrading the numerical problems from different international books.

Including a large number of problems illuminating mechanism in organic reactions.

Covering solutions of problems asked in various competitive examinations (IIT, BITS, ISM Dhanbad, etc.)

Providing sample (model) papers for IIT based on new examination pattern, with marks gradation and time for the self-assessment and time management.
ISBN 9789382314431

Pages : 932
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