The book is strictly designed on NCERT syllabi for CBSE and other states syllabi.
Accumulation of similar problems has been mostly avoided.
Most of the objective questions have been framed laying stress on the fundamental principles of chemistry with clarity and a deeper insight so as to enable the student to understand problems with accurate definitions and explanations.
Objective questions asked in previous years of examinations such as AIIMS, AFMC, BHU, CPMT, MLNR, Roorkee and IIT have been properly marked.
Each topic has been provided with six exercises in the end, which include objective problems, one answer correct, numerical objectives, previous years objective problems, more than one correct answer problems, statement-explanation and comprehensive type problems, with complete solution on theoretical problems and previous year`s problems of many medical and engineering competitions.
This Volume (Vol.-I) covers 8 topics of General Chemistry and 11 topics of Physical Chemistry.
After a set of few chapters of each branch, one sample test paper has been provided for self-assessment of the student. Also after each branch a sample test paper covering that branch has also been provided to give a clear understanding of topics.
In the end, a collection of model test papers based on the complete course will help the students to have an honest assessment before finally going for the examination. These test papers are the backbone of the book and include many important questions often repeated in various examinations, some brain teasers and some having exceptional trends .ISBN 9789382314448