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  First to the Last: 50 years of MiG-21s with the IAF

First To The Last: 50 Years Of Mig-21S With The Iaf

by Air Marshal Philip Rajkumar, Pushpindar Singh

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 874.00
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  The landmark decision to order combat aircraft from the Soviet Union in 1962 represented a major policy change. Induction of MiG 21 supersonic fighters in IAF service were dictated by many considerations, both economic and strategic and 50 years later, with nearly 1000 of these tailed delta fighters having served with distinction, in war and peace, this book is a tribute to the MiG-21 variants and their pilots who flew them as also the stout technical personal who maintained them and the workers who built them.

Indeed, it is difficult to visualize the size and status of the Indian Air Force for half a century with the MiG-21 which constituted for several decades the service’s combat backbone. The MiG-21 gave the IAF both quality and quantity and today, five decades after the first IAF pilots converted onto the type, the MiG-21 remains, in sheer numbers, arguably the largest combat type with India’s air arm.

This book contains much of which is verily historic treasure, beginning with the very first evaluation test flights of the Russian MiG-21F in Moscow during August 1962, and continuing with the IAF ‘pioneers’ converting of type at Lugovaya some months later. Of those select seven, four reached air rank, two of the becoming Chiefs of the Air Staff while two others were C-in-Cs during their distinguished careers.

HAL’s role has been well documented, this PSU having built a total of 579 Type 77s, 96s and 75s, apart from overhauling hundreds of MiG-21 variants over the many decades. For the first time, details of every MiG-21 built by HAL are given as are the crests of every Squadron and unit of the IAF that flew this classic fighter from 1963 to the present –and flying on !

Contents :

First to the Last • The Very First • MiG-21 Pioneers at Lugovaya
The First Supersonic • Coming of Age with the MiG-21 • Hottest Bird in Indian Skies
The MiG-21’s Finest Hour • ‘MiG’ Alley • Testing Times
A Decision Dilemma • Building the MiG-21 in India • The Final Frontier
Saga of the MiG – 21 bis upgrade • My Life with the MiG-21 • An Article of Faith
MiG-21s in the Brahmaputra Valley • MOFTU • ‘The Young Ones’
Maintaining the MiG-21 • Ode to the MiG-21

ISBN - 9789382811008

Pages : 172
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