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17 years of Excellence
Symmetry And Proportion In Indian Vastu And Silpa
by R. Vasantha , P. Purushotham Reddy
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This book explores whether the beauty or perfection of a building or anarchitectural monument is just a matter of luck and individual taste or whetherthe builders and architects had explicit rules and canons of proportion anddesign. What were the doctrines or schools of thought that inspired thearchitects and sculptors of early centuries is still an open question. SymmetryAnd Proportion In Indian Vastu AndSilpa tries to answer the question as to how the temples, churches, mosques etc. playa significant role in a society and why people build structures where theycongregate to perform their religious practices, totally different from theshape of their usual residential buildings. The book discusses the geometricanalysis of sculptures with reference to space and time division and analyzes afew compositions belonging to different periods by subjecting their photographicreplicas to the analysis, through the digital technique. It investigates thepentagonal and hexagonal symmetry related to organic and inorganic systems andapplies the concept to different pieces of art and architecture. The rationaleof the book is to explore the fundamental technical principles, which reflect aholistic vision, typical of Indian-view.ISBN: 8185616957
Pages : 210
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