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  Srivacanabhusanam of Pillai Lokacarya

Srivacanabhusanam Of Pillai Lokacarya

by J. Rangaswami

  Price : Rs 1950.00
  Your Price : Rs 1950.00
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  Srivacanabhusanam, the magnum opus with its authentic commentary exhaustively elucidates the intrinsic means and teachings of the three Rahasya Mantras of Tirumantra, Dvaya Mantra and Caramasloka. The book explicitly condenses the metaphysical and theological doctrines of the Alvars; dialectical views of Vedantic order; devotional attitudes of Itihasa-puranas; and the socio-cultural and linguistic textures of indigenous literature of the Tamil Country.
This polemic work factually elaborate the following religious themes with panoramic outlook: 1. Theo-philosophy behind Goddess Sri Laksmi and her intermediate status between the Lord and devotee as purusakara; and the countless aesthetic qualities of Lord Sriman Narayana as the means as well as the end in itself for the mukti, the liberation, 2. Prapatti, the complete surrender to the Lord for his redemptive grace, where it never considers the limitations like time and place, ceremonial procedure, eligibility but with the object only, i.e., to whom one has to perform it to fulfill his cherished desire; and the necessary qualifications to follow the destined means 3. Routines of the prapanna and the necessities to perform the kainkarya `service` to the Lord. 4. Characteristic features and the pleasing conduct between the good teacher and that of the good disciple: and the subject matters along with the ways to be taught by the former to the latter. 5. Innate nature of the Lord`s nirhetukakripa. `causeless grace` within which he without any restrictions and expectations helps his devotees for their final emancipation. 6. Need of acaryabhimana as the simplest means to attain paramapada, the abode of the Lord.
Apart form these, the esoteric text with its scientific treatments towards Universal Brotherhood with the cosmopolitan societal perspectives, within which, all kinds of differences among the individuals and nations would be nullified in the name of God, which in long run makes the humanity as the Unique Global Spiritual Community.
1. Introduction
2. Short History of the Author of the Text ISBN

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