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  	Guerrilla Marketing Research

Guerrilla Marketing Research

by Robert J Kaden

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 315.00
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  Description: Guerrilla Marketing Research simplifies and clarifies the many misconceptions about market research and its benefits, and shows how small companies can use marketing research to improve their current business as well as generate new business. In a clear, jargon-free style, it destroys the myth that only big companies can afford marketing research and explains why small- and medium-sized businesses can benefit from conducting focus groups and surveys “ and how they can do it for far less than they think. Compelling and easy to read, Guerrilla Marketing Research will take readers on a fascinating journey through one of the most misunderstood and under-utilized marketing techniques.

Contents: Customer attitudes- should you even care? ¢ Asking the right questions ¢ How the big guys do it- large-company research ¢ How to get started ¢ How much does research cost? ¢ Using research professionals ¢ How much research should you do? ¢ The research plan ¢ Focus groups ¢ Brainstorming and other ideation processes ¢ Surveys ¢ Writing questionnaires ¢ Sampling ¢ How to conduct surveys ¢ Organizing data ¢ Statistical techniques ¢ Telling the story - analyzing survey results ¢ Putting results into action

About the Author: Robert J Kaden has been in marketing research his entire career. He worked in the research departments of various advertising agencies before founding and growing one of Chicago`s premier marketing research companies, Goldring and Company. In 1989, after 17 years, he sold the company to a UK research conglomerate. In 1992, he started The Kaden Company and continues today to serve his marketing research clients.

Target Audience : Corporate houses / manager or entrepreneur / marketing, public relations and sales
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749448998

Pages : 256
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