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  Reinventing Public Management & Development In Emerging Economies

Reinventing Public Management & Development In Emerging Economies

by N.U. Khan, Sigamani P

  Price : Rs 2700.00
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  During the 1990`s many emerging economies underwent public sector reforms of some kind or the other in social policy, especially in health, education, employment, housing and other welfare programmes. The purpose of the book is to present critical issues of public policy in emerging economies. Reinventing public management presents a broad, yet detailed description, of reinventing public management and radical steps to introduce New Public Management (NPM). It assumes that market conditions increase efficiency, economy and effectiveness. Its key elements include various forms of outsourcing and contract management, emphasis on performance, customer orientation, Public Private Partnerships (PPP), semi-government or autonomous organisations etc. The book presents research papers across emerging economies. This book is divided into four parts consisting of health and development, housing and sanitation, environment and sustainable development, and public management strategies and selected applications including social audit, PPP, good governance initiatives, E-governance, peoples participation through decentralisation and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Reinventing public management highlights the use of ˜efficiency` of the market and socialistic ideas of equity in the field of development economics. The post-reforms period witnessed several changes in the public system, including minimal role of the state. It also focused on efficient use of public money, which signifies lower costs, quality and timely service delivery. The new system highlights high performance of public organisations, public accountability and transparency through Right to Information Act (RTI). Research papers provide evidence based practice, and scope for reinventing the traditional public system. Overall, the volume advocates reinventing public management into four parts, in 66 articles. The book would be useful to policy makers, project managers, service providers and research scholars, especially in the field of development studies, management studies, health systems studies and public policy research.isbn-9780230332737

Pages : 1122
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