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  Transact-SQL Programming

Transact-Sql Programming

by Kevin Kline,Lee Gould,Andrew Zanevsky

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 420.75
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  TransactSQL is a procedural language used on both Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase SQL Server systems. It is a fullfeatured programming language that dramatically extends the power of SQL (Structured Query Language). The language provides programmers with a broad range of features, including: A rich set of datatypes, including specialized types for identifiers, timestamps, images, and long text fields Local and global variables Fully programmable server objects like views, triggers, stored procedures, and batch command files Conditional processing Exception and error handling Full transaction control System stored procedures that reduce the complexity of many operations, like adding users or automatically generating HTML Web pagesIn recent years, the versions of TransactSQL have diverged on Microsoft and Sybase systems; the book explains the differences. It also contains uptotheminute information on the latest versions: Microsoft SQL Server versions 6.5 and 7.0 and Sybase version 11.5. A brief table of contents follows: PART I: The Basics: Programming in TransactSQL 1. Introduction to TransactSQL 2. Matching Business Rules 3. SQL Primer 4. TransactSQL Fundamentals 5. Format and Style PART II: The Building Blocks: TransactSQL Language Elements 6. Datatypes and Variables 7. Conditional Processing 8. Row Processing with Cursors 9. Error Handling 10. Temporary Objects 11. Transactions and Logging PART III: Functions and Extensions 12. Functions 13. CASE Expressions and TransactSQL Extensions PART IV: Programming TransactSQL Objects 14. Stored Procedures and Modular Design 15. Triggers 16. Views 17. System and Extended Stored Procedures and BCP PART V: Performance Tuning and Optimization 18. TransactSQL Code Design 19. Code Maintenance in the SQL Server 20. TransactSQL Optimization and Tuning 21. Debugging TransactSQL Programs PART VI: Appendixes A. System Tables B. What`s New for TransactSQL in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0? C. BCP The book comes with a CDROM containing an extensive set of examples from the book and complete programs that illustrate the power of the language.

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