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  Medical And Veterinary Entomology 2nd Edn.

Medical And Veterinary Entomology 2Nd Edn.

by Kettle D. S.

  Price : Rs 2800.00
  Your Price : Rs 2800.00
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  The first edition of this book published in 1984, established itself internationally as a standard text in medical and veterinary entomology. This new editionretains the same overall aims and structure but has been thoroughly revised to take account of new advances in the subject. The main focus of the book is on the general biology of insects and the Acari ( mites and ticks ) of medical and veterinary importance, together with brief descriptions of their texonomy and of the treatment of diseases they cause. The bok is divided into three parts : the first provides a general introduction to the classification, structure and function of the relevant insects and Acari; the second covers, in seventeen chapters, the main gropus of insects and acarines of medical and veterinary importance, from the culicidae ( mosquitoes ) to the Ixjodidae ( hard ticks); part three then provides an overview of those diseases of which the pathogens are transmitted by insects or acarines. The book will continue to serve as a major reference text for students taking courses in zoology, tropical medicine, veternary science, entomology and parasitology, as well as for professinals working in both pure and applied entomology. * Contents : Part 1 to 3 1995 HB

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