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  Atomic Structure And The Chemical Bond Fourth Edition

Atomic Structure And The Chemical Bond Fourth Edition

by Manas Chanda

  Price : Rs 185.00
  Your Price : Rs 170.20
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  This revised edition of an authoritative text provides an introduction to modern concepts of atomic and molecular structure, the chemical bond, and molecular spectroscopy. After providing a brief historical account of the origin of the quantum theory, its appications to the problems of atomic spectra and stomic structure have been discussed, Electronic configuration of atoms base on the 4 quantum number system, symbols for atomic states and classification of elements and their distribution of elements and their distrubution in the periodic table have been give a comprehensive treatment. The convepts of wave mechanics, essential to interpret chemical and physical phenomena in terms of molecular behavior, have been covered on sufficinet details and in a lucid manner. The valence bond and molecular orbital methods of comon hydrocarbons, bonding in coordination compounds based on valence bond and ligand field theories, the concepts of valence, ionic and covalent bonding, bonding in metals, and eecondary bond forces and so on have ben discussed in reasonable amount of detail. At the end of the book is a very useful chapter on various spectroscopic methods. The emphasis is on physical principles and realtionship between experimental readings and molecular parameters. New-edition highilghts * Quantum mechanical operations * Quantum mechanical postulates * Derivation of the Hamiltonian and its application to quantum mechanics * Average distance of electron from nucleus Complete wave functions * Luminesence Spectroscopy. In addition to the above topics, a large numner of solved examples have been added to illustrate particular concepts, discussd in the text. With its up to date and indepth coverage, the book would be immensely useful to undergraduate students of chemistry. Students of phusics and materials science would find the book an invaluable supplement. * Contents : 1. beginning of quantum theory 2. Atomic spectra and the Bohr Rutherford Atomic Model 3. Electronic confilguration of atome 4. Wave mechanical approach 5. Wave mechanics of the hydrogen atom 6. Wave mechanical picture of chemical bonding 7. Valency, ionic bonds and covalent bonds 8. Bonding in metals 9. Secondary bond forces 10. Determ9nation of molecular structure A. fundamentals of constants B. Conversation factors for energy and SI, prefixes C. Reduced amss of two particles D. The Electronic configurations of the ground states of the elements E. Tetrahedral sp3 hybrids F. Ionization Potentials. ISBN : 0070402256, 9780070402256

Pages : 528
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