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  Enterprise Service Bus

Enterprise Service Bus

by David A Chappell

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 255.00
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  The Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is a technology that is being readily adopted within IT organizations across a variety of industries. An ESB provides a standardsbased integration platform that combines messaging, web services, data transformation, and intelligent routing in an eventdriven Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). ESBs are being used to solve realworld integration challenges in many unique ways, as we will explore throughout this book.Enterprise Service Bus contains practical strategies for understanding the architecture of an ESB while integrating diverse applications into enterprisewide solutions. Throughout the book, there are integration patterns that show how an ESB can be applied toward solving today`s application integration challenges. These strategies and patterns show how to integrate enterprise applications using standard components and interfaces.This book will provide you with a conceptual and architectural overview of the ESB from a seasoned expert in the areas of standards for enterprise messaging, web services, and SOA. Dave Chappell offers his unique insights gained from working with the pioneers and innovators of the ESB. This book will serve as a guide to define the ESB technology, as viewed through the eyes of an experienced integration architect who has worked with IT professionals on realworld ESBbased integration solutions:If you build, integrate, or architect enterprise applications, you need this book! With the knowledge you gain in these pages, you will possess the skills and expertise to become a nextgeneration enterprise integration architect.About the AuthorDavid A. Chappell is vice president and Chief Technology Evangelist at Sonic Software (pioneers of the ESB). Dave has more than 20 years of experience in the software industry in a broad range of roles including architect, codeslinger, sales, support, and marketing. Dave has a strong background in a number of distributed computing models, and is wellknown for his writings and public lectures on the subjects of the ESB, Message Oriented Middleware (MOM), enterprise integration, and evolving standards and web services. Dave led the development effort for SonicMQ, which has grown to become synonymous with enterprise messaging and the Java Message Service (JMS). He has published numerous articles on interoperability and integration technology in leading industry publications, such as JavaDevelopers Journal, JavaPro, Web Services Journal, XML Journal, and Network World. He is noted for authoring popular books on JMS, web services, and ebXML.

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