Web tier frameworks have really taken off in the past year or so. Developers who used to spend hours and hours writing lowlevel features have realized the enormous benefits of using wellwritten frameworks to build the presentation tier so they can get to coding the "good stuff", the business logic at the core of the program.The Struts Framework, originally created by Craig R. McClanahan and donated to the Apache Software Foundation`s Jakarta project in 2000, has become one of the most popular presentation frameworks for building web applications with Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology. It encourages application architecture based on the ModelViewController (MVC) design paradigm, colloquially known as the Model 2 approach.As popular as Struts is becoming, the online documentation is inadequate, focusing on the most basic functionality and leaving out information crucial to developers writing today`s complex web applications. O`Reilly`s Programming Jakarta Struts was written by Chuck Cavaness after his internet company decided to adopt the framework, then spent months really figuring out how to use it to its fullest potential. He calls the books, "the culmination of lessons learned (the hard way) during the building of our application."Readers will benefit from the realworld, "this is how to do it" approach Cavaness takes to developing complex enterprise applications using Struts, and his focus on the 1.1 version of the Framework makes this the most uptodate book available.Programming Jakarta Struts covers:An overview of the concepts involved in writing web applicationsDetailed installation and configuration instructions to get Struts up and running quicklyA thorough discussion of how Struts implements the ModelViewController pattern, and how to interface with that pattern in your own applicationsJSP and Jakarta Tag Libraries for authoring complex web pagesLogging, Validation, and Exception Handling with StrutsUsing the new Struts template framework, TilesWriting internationalization and localization code using StrutsPractical, realworld best practices for web applications.Craig McClanahan, originator of Struts, says of the book, "One thing a lot of open source packages lack is a comprehensive guide to all of the features something that goes far enough past "hello, world" to get you into solving real application design problems, and it looks like you`ve hit just the right level for a lot of people."About the AuthorChuck Cavaness is a graduate from Georgia Tech with degrees in computer engineering and computer science, has built Javabased enterprise systems in the healthcare, banking, and B2B sectors. Working at an Internet company to design and develop software architecture, Chuck has spent many frustrating hours figuring out the dos and the donts of web applications. With each enterprise system hes developed, Chuck has learned several valuable lessons about building "realworld" web applications, information that hes made available to developers who havent had the opportunity to work on large systems. Chuck is the coauthor of Special Edition Using Java 1.3 and Special Edition Using EJB 2.0, both available from QUE.