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  Briefcase Series: Microsoft Excel 2002 - Level 1 (BOOK/DISK)

Briefcase Series: Microsoft Excel 2002 - Level 1 (Book/Disk)

by Brian Favro

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 212.50
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  Level 1: Basic Formatting, Absolute References, Formulas, Functions, ChartsTable of ContentsContents vAbout This Book viiExcel 2002 Keyboard Summary Sheet xiQuick Reference Index xiiiVisual Conventions xvMOUS Program xviiLESSON 1: CREATING ANDEDITING A SIMPLE WORKSHEET 2What Is Microsoft Excel? 4Starting Excel 4Worksheetsand Workbooks 6The Highlight 6The Task Pane 6Entering Data 8Undo and Redo 9Repeat 10Number Entries 12Save Concepts 14Editing Entries 16Selecting Cells 18Aligning Cell Entries 20AutoSum 21AutoCalculate 23Print Preview 24Printing 24Closing Workbooks 25Opening Workbooks 26Exiting from Excel 27LESSON 2:EXPANDING ON THE BASICS 38Managing Toolbars 40The Fill Handle 41Formulas 43Number Formats 47Merging and SplittingCells 52Indenting Entries 54Formatting Entries 54The Format Painter 55Clearing Cell Contentsand Formats 57LESSON 3: POWERFUL FEATURESAND AUTOMATED TOOLS 70The Ofoce Assistant 72Online Help 74AutoCorrect 76AutoComplete 77Functions 79Cut, Copy, and Paste 83Drag and Drop 85Right Dragging 86Cell Borders 88Fill Colors and Patterns 89AutoFormat 91Zooming 93Hiding Rows andColumns 94Unhiding Rows andColumns 94LESSON 4:DATES, TEXT FEATURES, ANDRESTRUCTURING WORKSHEETS 106Working with Dates 108Date and Time Functions 110Line Breaks 111Vertical Alignment 113Rotating Text 114Column Widths and Row Heights 116Inserting and DeletingRows and Columns 118Error Checking Tools 122Find and Replace 123ContentsLESSON 5:FINANCIAL MODELING ANDABSOLUTE CELL REFERENCES 140Absolute References 142Revising Formulas 142Displaying Formulas 148Printing Selections 149Print Areas 150LESSON 6:CREATING AN IMPACTWITH CHARTS 164Managing Worksheets 166Chart Concepts 167Column Charts and BarCharts 168Previewing andPrinting Charts 171Moving and SizingEmbedded Charts 172Line Charts 174Pie Charts 176Modifying Charts 177LESSON 7:WORKING WITHLARGE WORKSHEETS 198Sorting 200Freezing Header Rowsand Columns 202Splitting Window Panes 203Printing large Worksheets 206Inserting Page Breaks 214Page Break Preview 216Index 226vi Contents

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