Comprising more than 250 informative entries,The Ecoloty examines the interdisciplinary and complex topic of human ecology,Knowledge gathered from disciplines that study individuals and groups,such as biology, nutrition, psychology,and sociology, is blended with infrimation about environments from the fields of famiky science, geography,anthropology,unban planning,and environmental science. At the same time, professions intedded to enhance individual and family life-marriage and family therapy,clinical psychology,social work ,dietetic and other health professsions-are represented alongside those concerned with preservation,conservation design, and the management of the environment and its resources. How rampaat are eating disorders among our youth?Are AIDS educational Programs effective?What problems fo adolescents transitioning in to adulthood encounter? Her, four leading scholars in the field have assembled a team of top-tier psychologists, sociologists,anthropologists, and other experts to explore there and hundreds of other timely issues.