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  Molecular Biotechnology 2nd Edn.

Molecular Biotechnology 2Nd Edn.

by Primrose S. B.

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 350.00
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  This text is completely updated and rewrtten version of the author`s succesful Modern Biotechnology, making it the most up-to-date undergraduate text available in this field. It has a straithtforward double column design, with two coloour illustrations throughout. It inclludes discussion of the pervasive applications of molecular biology in fields such as medicine and diagnostics, it looks at the effect of the law on the development of powerful new techniques such as fingerprinting and polymerase chain reaction, and shows how molecular biologists are able to `engineer` proteins and enzymes for sommercial use in the same way that a designer fahions new products. Chapters explore the latest developments resulting in the creation of transtenic animals and the implications of this for agiculture as well as the monoclonal antibody revolution and the new immunotherapy. * Contents : 1. Introduction : Biotechnology- Ancient and modern. 2. Recombinant DNA technology: : The basic principles of recombinant DNA technolgy. Recombinant DNA technolgy and the new diagnistics. Protein engineering. 3. The exploration of microbes : The large scale cultivation of microbes. The commercial exploitaton of microorganisms. Cell and enzyme immobilization. 4. Animal Biotechnology : Principles of mammalian cell culture. Applications of animal cell culture. Monoclonal antibodies. Transgenic animals and human gene therapy. 5. Plant Bitechnology : Plant cell tissue and organ culture. Biotechnology : Legal, social and ethical aspects of Biotechnology. Index. 1999 P.B,

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