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  Encyclopaedia Of Language And Linguistics

Encyclopaedia Of Language And Linguistics

by B. T. Riley

  Price : Rs 16500.00
  Your Price : Rs 14025.00
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  ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS meets the need for a comprehensive work of reference and dealth with all important areas of linguistics and language studies. The work makes a systematic effort to analyse and describe the current research and thinking in this field., emphasizing the multi-displinary nature of the subject. The volumes are arranged thematically with each volume dedicated to a particular area of specialisation. In planning the presentation of the encyclopaedia the main consideration has been in selecting material which present particular theme or idea in a most comprehensive manner making the understanding of this subject much easier. The main focus in the preparation of this work has been to make it useful for not only the specialist scholars and researchers but also for those wide range of potential users-individuals and institutions-in need of information in this diverse field. Although the main thrust is on dealing with all major areas in thje field of language and linguistics in as comprehensive a manner as possible by treating the "core`areas thoroughly, the focus is also on including the new and emergent issues as well. A significant feature of the encyclopaedia is its interdisciplinary nature, this enough space is devoted to aspects to sociology, social development, anthropology, psychology and philosophy that impinge on language. The work is full of examples and illustrations and contains references and bibliography for each individual subjects being covered. The comprehensiveness of the scope of this encyclopaedia is indicated by the vast amount of material included covering on one hand linguistics as a science and on the other the philosophy of linguistics. It incoudes structural linguistics trying to discover the rules of phonology, morphology and syntax that predict how most speakers of the language talk. The historical linguistic covers comparative analysis of cognates and grmmar testing the notion that certain languages derive from common ancestral language. The goals are to recojnstruct the features of the protolanguage, the hypothesize how the off spring languages separated from eacy other and to establish its common origin. The volume on applied linguistics includes clntributions from leaders in this field covering the concepts, language development and functions in detial. Development of language and its principles has been dealth with separately, recently linguists have begun to study variatiohs in how people actually use language. This type of linguistic study called sociolinguistics cohncerned with the ethnography of speaking is also dealth with in a separate volume. Covers all important traditional and emerging subject areas - like : science of linguistics, applied linguistics, socio- linguistics; language in culture and society` development syntax; bilingualism; semantics in linguistics; philosphy of linguistics; phonetics; psycholinguistics; developmental linguistics; strategies for grwoth and change etc. 1999, set of 12 volumes, size 22 * 14 cm. Pp 4000, cloth binding, ISBN 81-7020-904-8

Pages :
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