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  Travel, Exploration & Sports In Himalayas

Travel, Exploration & Sports In Himalayas

by Colonel Kinloch

  Price : Rs 990.00
  Your Price : Rs 811.80
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  No country or human race in the world possess such variety of sports as the erst while Indian empire and no part of it contains so many different animas/fauna as this region which lies between the great watershed of Asia and plains of India. the author accompanied by his wife has travelled into remotest areas and made many expeditions into Himalayas and crossed some of the highest passes. The unique picturesque mountains and vast terrains of himalayas and the habitant rare animals by bare open the capability of India as a sporting country having been alluded to a large number of sport lovers. The author has endeavoured to genuinely serve an essential need felt by sportsmen and to compile all detials in the form of this volume. The author has also given a general descriptions of the animals and the districts they inhabit, and have added such notes on their habits and natural history as gathered from his personal close observation. the book first published in 1885 as revised edition of two volumes. the book should also serve as guide book for the preservation of nature, history and specimens.

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