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  Encyclopaedia of Practical Management

Encyclopaedia Of Practical Management

by A. Ratan

  Price : Rs 7500.00
  Your Price : Rs 6375.00
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  The dynamic economic, social, political and technological environments in which we live continually places demands on managers to change, improve and learn more about their jobs, superiors and subordinates. In spite of the turbulent world that surrounds us the central mission of management remains unchanged-to accomplish desired results with people and resouces at optimum level. Management theories and practices have undergone radical changes in the past decade and these change will inevitably continue and accelerate in the coming days. There is also high degree of computerization and automation and at the same time people talk of ethics in business increasihngly which was not the case in the past. In modern days there are no boundaries as even a small trader of manufacturer can-access global markets through exports and import etc. others though not directly engaged in foreign business, do not escape the effects of their customers and competitors transacting business overseas. The world is moving closer to being a single world economic market. So it had become necessary for every person in any field of activitry, particularly in the field of business to get conversant with current management topics and practices. The term business is understood in a wide sense to include all systems involved in the exchange of goods and services. Management is circumscribed as all human action aimed at securing good life with optimal effort and knowledge. The encyclopaedia of practical management is designed to be of practical use to the studennts and practicing managers not only from management schools to broaden their outlook and generate impetus for further studies but at the same time to refresh memory of those who are from the field of management. It will be an indispensable addition to any collection, in library or in office, on the subject. In this encyclopaedia systems of production, consumption, marketing, advertiusing, social and economic accounting, labour relatins, organizational behaviour, information, international marketing, portfolio management and risk analysis, ethics, automation, and finance etc., are analyzed and every possible article is included to give indepth practical kbowledge in a simple way.1000 set of 6 volumes pp 2000, figures, bibliography, tables, graphs, size 22 14 cm. Cloth binding, ISBN 81-7020-896-6

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