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  Encyclopaedia Of Sex Education, 3 Volumes

Encyclopaedia Of Sex Education, 3 Volumes

by Alister Bigelow

  Price : Rs 2250.00
  Your Price : Rs 1912.50
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  Sex Education, broadly defined, any instruction in the prcesses and consequences of sexual activity, ordinarily given to children and adolescents. Today the term useually refers to classroom lessons about sex taught in primary and secondary schools, usually as part of the biology class. Historically, the task of educating adolescents about sex has been seen as the responsibility of the parents. However, parent-child communication in sexual matters may be hindered by parental inhibitions or by various inter-generational tensions, and studies have shown that children rarely receive their first infornatuib ib sexyal matters from their parents. In the late 19th century, attempts by educaors and social workers to supplement parental sex instruction concentrated on what was then known as "social hygiene`-basically, biological and medical information about human reproduction and veneral disease. In the post-world war 2 era, however, the relaxation of traditional social norms governing sexual activity, as well as the tarrent of sex-related information available to children via the mass media, made a more sophisticated and comprehensive programme of sex education seem desirable to many. The variety of subjects explored and discussed as part of sex education include the physical processes of human reproduction; the working of male and female sex organs; the origin, dissemination, and affects of sexually transmitted diseases, family roles and structures, the ethics of relationships; and the emotional and psychological causes and consequences of sex ( including age -sex), marriage, and parenting. Safe sexual practice is being increasingly focused on with the advent of Acquired immune Deficiecy syndrome (AIDS). Frenqyently, however, the larger societal and ethical questions stemming from sexual behaviour, being highly subjective in nature, are not regarded as appropriate to a strictly factual approach. At all levels of instructionl, teaching methods may include visual aids, lectures and moderated discussions. This encyclopaedia of sex education will therefore fill a great need presently being felt among educaitonal institutions, teachers, trainers, parents and students for getting authentic and comprehensive information on the subject. The teachers will particularly appreciate the `sample lectures`` and methods of communicating with children on this sensitive area of sex education. 1999. Set of 3 volumes, pp 900, figures, bibliography, table size 22 * 14 cm. Cloth binding. ISBN 81-7020-860-2.

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