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  The sociology of Indian Politics

The Sociology Of Indian Politics

by R. Motwani, R.D. Sakxena

  Price : Rs 850.00
  Your Price : Rs 722.50
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  Sociology and political science, from the sociology of politics to political sociology, the sociology of parties, class voting, towards political sociology, the shape of political theory to come : from political sociology to political economy, the shape of political sociology, the new political economy, the relationship between eonomics and other other social sciences, sociological evidence and value assumptions in democratic theory, apter`s structural-functional requisite analysis, max weber : theorist of administrative sociology, shifting trends in political analysis, political language, formalisation and creativity, rheotorical exchange and negotiation, social and political movements, what is political , the concept of movment, culture and ideology, charismatic authority, political symbolism politics and symbolism of life crises, the vision of karl marx. Feb 2001. PP 310, bibliography, references 22 * 14 cm., hard back, ISBN 81-7755-140-X

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