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  Financial Services – Non-Fund Based

Financial Services – Non-Fund Based

by Vishwanath Murthy

  Price : Rs 725.00
  Your Price : Rs 630.75
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  Investment banking involves a wide range of activities like advising and helping clients in raising, managing and retiring capital, advising them on acquisitions, mergers, restructuring and divestitures, trading strategies, risk management, etc., among others. Their activities have been in the news almost regularly, for the wrong reasons. The filing of the bankruptcy petition by Lehman Brothers in September 2008 and the official inquiries and investigations that followed have opened the practices of investment banking to public scrutiny, as never before.This book – the last in the series of three books on Investment Banking – deals with various specialised non-fund-based financial services offered by investment banks. Subjects like mergers and acquisitions, valuation, risk management and asset reconstruction form the subject matter of this book. Besides, other add-on financial services provided by some investment banks, like insurance marketing and servicing, pension fund management and financial planning are also covered in this book. Concepts like hedging strategies, securitization process, construction of CDO, synthetic securitization, operation of ARC and architecture of NPS and CRA, among others, are explained through charts, to facilitate better understanding.The book has been written in an easy-to-understand style with charts, tables and well-known and lesser-known international and national case studies like, Lehman Brothers Holding, Vodafone International Holding, Rajshree Chemicals & Sugars, Mukkanneshwari Yuvati Mandali, Samanvaya and Shubhodaya NGOs, interspersed to illustrate the concepts and issues, so that the students/readers understand them in the context of real world. This book is designed to meet the requirements of post graduate students of management and other capital market-oriented courses. Researchers, consultants, practicing investment bankers, CAs, CMAs and CSs engaged in investment banking activities will find it a good body of knowledge as a reference source. Contents -1. Mergers and Acquisitions 2. Valuation 3. Risk Management 4. Asset Reconstruction 5. Pension Fund Management 6. Insurance Marketing and Servicing 7. Financial Planning

ISBN : 9789358402469

Pages : 352
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