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  Do It Now!

Do It Now!

by Judith Williamson

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 266.50
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  Authorised by the napoleon hill foundationBusiness magnate, W. Clement Stone stated that his first commandment of success was to do it now. Following this advice will make us more determined, disciplined and capable of demonstrating the full merit of our potential.Do It Now! allows you to learn, chapter by chapter, how to use your time wisely and your skills appropriately. You are no longer in danger of being left behind and unable to perform to the fullest of your abilities. You can now not only be a person who grabs the reins and advances forward, but with a little extra effort you can achieve success of extraordinary heights.As Judith Williamson says, by working through the process outlined in this book you become the scriptwriter for your life`s story and the creator of your own advancement and success. Do It Now! or you will sacrifice all the goodness life has to offer if you fail to do so.Napoleon Hill, born in a one-room cabin in Wise County, Virginia, had a long and successful career writing, teaching, and lecturing about the principles of success. His work is a monument to individual achievement, the cornerstone of modern motivation. The Napoleon Hill Foundation is a non-profit educational institution perpetuating his philosophy of leadership and self-motivation.

ISBN : 9788184958584

Pages : 204
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