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  Marriage & Its Parameters Through Astrology(with Illustrations)

Marriage & Its Parameters Through Astrology(With Illustrations)

by P L Khushu

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 750.00
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  Marriage is one of the most sacred and pious social events of life in the context of Indian culture. It is solemnized to become a vital bond between the two marrying partners who are mostly two different human souls of opposite sex. It can thus fill one`s life with immense and perpetual joy or it can mean otherwise as well. It has in fact a cosmic relevance for the continuance of the mankind and humanity in the universe. The union of the two persons of opposite sexes makes the beginning or the commissioning of a new family. Marriage is a part of our culture almost since the creation of humanity. It is a socially approved union ship or relationship between two individuals of opposite sex, to call themselves as life partners after marriage. The family grows by the birth of the children, which is a direct manifestation of destiny. So marriage and matters related to it are destined or destiny related as per “Shastra`s” and Vedic philosophy, which is the crux of the human existence. There is a well-known saying which says that the “Marriages are settled in heaven and celebrated on Earth”. So the importance of the faculty of marriage and its longevity, can well be understood as a subject of one`s destiny. How to synthesize it astrologically for having a prosperous marriage with its marital bliss throughout one`s life time? Vedic astrology has the answer. An attempt has been made in this book to explain various astrological parameters relevant to marriage and its longevity. In this book scores of birth charts along with the relevant divisional charts, have been made use of in various chapters of this book, to justify various events of life linked to the issues of marriage, like timing of marriage, normal marriage, delayed marriage, disturbed marriage, love marriage, out of cast marriage, denial of marriage, widowhood and widower hood in marriage, match making in marriage and the like in detail, with exemplary astrologically explanations pertaining to the actual relevance`s of such cases and events.


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