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  The Last Sunset

The Last Sunset

by Amarinder Singh

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 535.50
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  A comprehensive history of the Lahore Durbar, the glorious reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his exemplary organizational\r\nskills that led to forming of the formidable Sikh army and the fiercely fought Anglo Sikh wars.\r\n\r\nThe Last Sunset: The Rise and Fall of the Lahore Durbar recreates history of the Sikh empire and its unforgettable ruler, Maharaja Ranjit Singh of the Shukarchakia dynasty. An outstanding military commander, he created the Sikh Khalsa Army organized and armed in Western style, acknowledged as the best in undivided India in the nineteenth century. Ranjit Singh\u2019s death in 1839 and the subsequent decline of the Lahore Durbar, gave British the opportunity to stake their claim in the region till now fiercely guarded by Maharaja Ranjit Singh\u2019s army.\r\n\r\nCaptain Amarinder Singh chronicles in detail the two Anglo-Sikh wars of 1845 and 1848. The battles, high in casualties on both the sides led to the fall of Khalsa and the state was finally annexed with Maharaja Duleep Singh, the youngest\r\nson of Maharaja Ranjit Singh put under the protection of the Crown and deported to England.\r\n\r\nUSP\r\n\r\n1. A comprehensive history of the Lahore Durbar, the glorious reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his exemplary organizational skills that led to the forming of the formidable Sikh Khalsa Army, and the fiercely fought Anglo-Sikh wars.\r\n\r\n2. This is the first Sikh record of the battles of the two Sikh wars with tactical details of deployment and handling.\r\n\r\n3. It includes pictures, maps and family trees of the Lahore Durbar.

ISBN : 9788174368652

Pages : 347
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